
Lessons on How Not to Give a Fuck... About Being Rejected

Rejection is one of those hard facts of life. Whether it be from a romantic interest, a job prospect, an idea you thought was good...whatever. We all get rejected in some kind of way at some point, c'est la vie. There are many reasons why not only should you not give a fuck about being rejected, you should take it as an opportunity to grow. Here's why:

Worrying about things that we can't control is pointless, but that is exactly what worrying about rejection is. You are worried about what other people's reactions will be. You DO have control over whether you are going to take a shot or not, that is what you should be giving a fuck about. Remember that when you get rejected, your life does not change. It might feel bad for a little bit, but in the end I guarantee you wont be thinking about it a month or a year from now.

When it comes to getting rejected by dating prospects: there are 7 BILLION of us humans on this planet and counting...there are other options. Plenty. Why lose sleep over one of the millions that you will not be with? You aren't any less of a person, just not the right match for that particular person...you still rock, nothing's changed. Think of rejection as something awesome. It means you acted despite your fear of that rejection (the definition of courage), and you learned something new.

Some of the most powerful people in history, and today, have dealt with rejection hundred of times. J.K. Rowling was rejected by quite a few publishers with her Harry Potter manuscript, she kept going and we see how that turned out. Steve Jobs was FIRED from Apple, the company he helped create, before getting it all back again. Rejection happens. How we react to it is what is important. Stand behind yourself, your ideas, and what you believe in. If you keep getting rejected take each time as an opportunity to streamline and evaluate your thoughts, yourself, your product...but don't get disheartened.

We wont always get what we want, but the fact that you were told no or rejected from anything means you tried....and that is an admirable quality. The fact is, anything worth having wont be easy..but is settling for less in life really a better option? The only way you will get the life you want is by putting yourself out there and going for it...you'll either get exactly what you want, or be a little bit wiser, and that is epic.

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? – Vincent van Gogh


  1. I'm the King of rejection :D Maybe I'm a masochist because it's starting to get me all hot and bothered now..

  2. It's an excellent opinion, I need to remember this, because it is easy to forget.
