
The Power of Positive Thinking

“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”

― Lao Tzu

Most people don't realize the extent to which our thoughts shape our lives. Everything starts with a thought. Our inner monologue is always present, and what goes through it determines who we are and how we feel. The placebo effect is a great example of how powerful our thoughts are, and how they can physically change our bodies. It doesn't end with our bodies, positive thinking can change your entire life. When you spend life just allowing whatever happens to dictate how you're feeling you are at the mercy of whatever happens to you. Positive thinking is not being delusional and refusing to acknowledge when problems arise...it is just approaching that unpleasantness in a measured, productive, and positive way. It is taking charge and making the choice to see the bright side of things.

People who are more positive live longer lives, there are several health benefits (Source http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/positive-thinking/SR00009) attributed to positivity. You can't live a positive life with a negative mind. You also cannot feel bad when thinking good thoughts..try it. What we are thinking about determines how we feel. How we feel determines how good (or bad) our life is. A great life is one where you feel good as much as you possibly can, the only way to do that is to think positive thoughts. Our thoughts become things. Make thinking positively a habit, and you just changed your life for the better.

A great place to start thinking more positively is to simply pay attention to your thoughts and realize when negative ones arise. Instead of attempting to block them out (wont work anyway - that which get repressed, gets expressed) just recognize the negativity then start thinking about things you love instead. Things are grateful for, you're excited about, things you've accomplished...allow the flow of good energy that comes from those to lift you out. Positive thoughts attract more positive thoughts (same goes for negative thoughts) so keep your mind of an upbeat track, and when it deviates get it back there.

I spent way too many years of my life being clinically depressed, in a seemingly endless downward spiral of bad feelings, and thoughts of hopelessness. It got to the point where I was suicidal tried more than once, and landed myself in the hospital twice for it. Did some hard things happen to me to cause me to feel bad? Sure. But that's life. It is easy to be the victim. The day I truly understood that it isn't about what happens to me, I can choose to be positive no matter what - my life has never been the same. It's so epic now and so awesome, I wake up every single day stoked that I'm alive. I never thought I could be so happy.

Don't take the little things that make life awesome for granted. All the sunrises and sunsets- beautiful scenery we get to see every day - I'm stoked to be able to watch those. Pay attention to your thoughts, don't disregard them as unimportant. Don't let them run you. Make a choice to harness the power of positive thinking. There is always something to be happy and grateful for. When you are thinking positively, you are happy. And when you are happy, you are successful...and life is epic.


  1. aha just reading that has made me go into a positive mood. Another great piece and I've got to say it again... One of the best things I've read in a long time.

    1. That is awesome to hear :) Glad you enjoyed it, thinking positively really is a beautiful way to live.
