
8 Unpleasant Personality Traits (AKA How to Be Obnoxious)

This is a follow-up to my last post about attractive personality traits. I was at a pretty big party, and being the nerd that I am I took it as an opportunity to ask a lot of my peers what they found attractive and likewise, what they found unattractive, then turn it into blog posts. These are the most unliked traits that we came up with, things that none of us particularly wanted to be like or be around.

1. Pessimism - Pessimistic people drain the energy out of those around them. When someone makes it a point to only see the downside of things, it becomes sort of a chore to hang out with them. I have had friends who complain to me, and I point out the multiple bright sides of their situation only to get them all shot down. In the end I realized these people didn't want advice or help or cheering up, they just wanted someone to be down in the dumps and commiserate with them. Not my style at all, and now I just avoid overly pessimistic people altogether, and save my energy for better things.

2. Flakiness - This is such an unattractive trait because it's disrespectful, dishonest, and disregarding the worth of people's time all in one. People who flake on you one time will probably flake on you many more times, so this quality quickly repels people from wanting to invest any time in you. It is also hard to take a flaky person seriously because of how often their actions and their words do not align.

3. Arrogance - This is one of the seven basic character flaws according to quite a few sources, a trait disliked by many. Some people try to play off their arrogance as self-confidence, however the two are nothing alike. Self confidence stems from having a comfortable sense of worth that stems from yourself, while arrogance is confidence that is fed by others (and usually based in insecurity) which is why they constantly feel the need to keep hyping themselves up. These type of people aren't fun to be around, they tend to always be need to be the center of attention...the type to flip everything you say back to themselves somehow.

4. Condescension - What a way to make people feel small. I have never quite understood why people are condescending and patronize other people. No one is better than anyone else. Period. Acting as if you're better than anyone else (or everyone else) is a surefire way to alienate people.

5. Stubbornness - Stubbornness marks an inability to consider anyone's view but your own. Lots of people are set in their ways, but a truly stubborn person will never grow. How can you grow when you refuse to open your mind to other possibilities?

6. Rudeness - Rude people are just...not classy. They show no respect or regard for those around them...and are kind of an embarrassment to be around. Having compassion and basic respect for other human beings is just a part of being a decent person. Rude people tend to lack tact and make situations uncomfortable.

7. Dishonesty - Another core character trait that is pretty much universally disliked. Dishonest people lie, cheat, and have hidden agendas...making things complicated when they don't have to be. Usually those who are dishonest with other people are dishonest with themselves as well, and that is a slippery slope that leads to nowhere.

8. Laziness - Static people are unattractive. When someone is not going anywhere or doing anything with their life and they are content with that it just becomes sort of boring to be around them. Lazy people tend to bring people around them down with their lack of motivation. One should hang around the type of people you want to be like, and being around lazy people is a surefire way to find yourself losing motivation, and feeling okay with not doing much with yourself.

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