
One Important Reason Why We Should Take Risks

"If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary." – Jim Rohn

We all have things that we want to do before we die, most of us call it a bucket list. One of the best decisions I ever made was turning that list into a to-do list. One day it just occurred to me, after adding yet another epic thing on there...what the heck am I waiting for? Am I waiting to die? At that point, it's too late. Even when we're close to that point, a lot older and full of regrets of all the epic things we could have done but never did...I didn't want to get there.

So I chose moving to another country first...best decision ever. I lived for 2 epic years in Montreal and learned French along the way. Then I started skydiving...it was amazing. (below - dorky pic of my first skydive) Then I got my A license and started skydiving alone, doing flips, trying new things. That's two off the list...I did backpacking (before this year, I had never backpacked in my life)...now I've done over 150 miles of awesome trails and ready for more. I climbed mountains. I've rock climbed and canyoneered. All this stuff that I had been wanting to do and just waiting for no reason. Our lives are ending one minute at a time, and time waits for no one.

So ask yourself...what's on your bucket list? Why haven't you done it yet? What exactly is stopping you? I'd be willing to bet nothing is stopping you but yourself. If you really want something, you will find a way. If you don't, you will find an excuse. Everyone deserves to feel that amazing sense of accomplishment that comes from doing something that most people never will, something that you have always wanted to do. Even if it makes you uncomfortable...no, ESPECIALLY if it makes you uncomfortable, because that is how we grow. We spend a lot of time trying to avoid a little discomfort, but all that does is limit us to a small, unchanging pocket of comfort (the comfort zone)...and that which never changes will always be the same.

People are meant to grow....everyone gets older, but we don't all get wiser. Getting out of your comfort zone and taking risks makes us much wiser, it's the kind of wisdom you can't learn in a book.

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