
Lessons on How Not to Give a Fuck...About What Other People Think About You

All of us care to some extent what other people think and are saying about us, and that is a part of what makes us humans. Human beings are a social species. The problems start arising when that becomes the main factor behind the decisions you make on a daily basis. You end up being driven by fear of criticism, afraid to be who you really are. I am a firm subscriber to the belief that what other people say about you is none of your business. You can be the nicest person in the entire world and do nothing but good for everyone that you come across...and someone somewhere would still find negative things to say about you. People are funny like that. We only have a certain amount of energy, there is no point wasting it on fruitless efforts like figuring out what everyone is saying about you.

Easier said than done, you say? How exactly does one simply give less fucks about what others are saying about us? This is is pretty simple. How much do you love yourself? Who and what is important to you? Use as much of your energy and resources that you possibly can focusing giving love and strengthening THOSE things. If you put as much energy and emotion as you possibly can into loving yourself and being the best version of yourself that you can possibly be...there wont be any left over to waste on negative people or things.  It's also important to remember that people aren't focusing on you and your every little fuck-up...people are too bust worrying about themSELVES when they go out, their own fuck ups and slips. This is true for everyone.

Anyone who has every achieved anything great, or anything at all, has their fair share of people saying negative things about them. It comes with the territory, it's just a part of being alive. You can either rise above it, or let it consume you. You either run your life, or life runs you, no exceptions.

My brother plays something called the "rejection game" to get him out of his comfort zone, and as a result it really helped him grow as a person and I've begun doing it myself sometimes too. Basically the rejection game is getting yourself used to putting yourself out there and doing what you want, regardless of what others will think...especially if you think others will have something negative to say about it. For example: Asking out that super hot girl (or guy) you happen to pass, going to an event you really wanted to go to...solo. It's called the rejection game because even if you do get a "no" or don't have the outcome you expected, that is encouragement to go try again, and again. Eventually you get used to stepping out of your comfort zone and confronting your fears, you get used to not giving a flying fuck what other people think when it comes to achieving your goals...and a lot of times, you get a better outcome than you expected.

People are always going to have negative shit to say, but the main people doing the talking are the ones with too much time on their hands because they aren't doing much with themselves anyway. Progressive desensitization is a real thing, getting used to doing things that make you uncomfortable. If you don't, you are doomed to a life stuck in the little boring bubble that is your comfort zone.

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