
Lessons on How Not to Give a Fuck

#1: Why you shouldn't give a fuck

We would all be happier if we simply gave less fucks about things that are bothering us. Trust me, I realize this is easier said than done, but once you get into the practice of realizing when you are giving a fuck about something that isn't worth your energy...it gets easier to let it go. I'm  not talking complete apathy here, where you care about nothing at all. I'm saying recognize when something makes you feel bad in some kind of way, acknowledge it for what it is. If there is anything to learn from it..take that lesson. Then don't waste energy by giving a fuck about it anymore. Once you've learned what you can from it, it's futile to keep rehashing it.

I recently read online about a psychologist who explained why we should learn to drop stresses and worries. She likened them to a glass of water. If you hold a glass of water for a moment, it doesn't seem very heavy. Hold it for an hour and it will cause your arm to hurt. Hold it for an entire day and you will be paralyzed and in a lot of pain. In each case, the weight of the glass never changed. It's how long you hold on to it that determines how hurt you are. Same with stress and worry.

The same problem will be that problem no matter if you spend all day worrying and fretting about it, or if you acknowledge it for what it is and then let it go. The choice is yours how long you hold on to it. Just like you are hurting your own arm by holding up a glass of water for too long you are just hurting yourself by holding on to stress.

Next time you are mulling over problems and feeling like crap just remind yourself to put down the glass and relax.

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